$1,998.75 USD

4 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Please read through as these terms and conditions and release of liability waivers will be emailed to you separately, after you have paid your non-refundable deposit. 

We require an e-signature on all of these documents in order to be permitted to attend the Morocco Retreat with us. **Failure to sign these documents before the retreat start date will result in your reservation being cancelled without refund. 

Name of trip and country: Morocco Art of Life Creativity Retreat

Date: April 22-30, 2025

Trip leader: Lizzie Larock & Weatherly Stroh


Art of Life Creativity LLC, a Colorado operation with its principle place of business in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, gives notice that services provided in connection with these itineraries are rendered by suppliers who are not agents or employees of Art of Life Creativity, LLC. All of the accommodations, meals, tours, transportation and/or related travel services have been made by Art of Life Creativity, LLC only as an agent for the individual tour member.  While every effort is made to make travel arrangements with reputable suppliers, a tour member expressly agrees that Art of Life Creativity, LLC shall not be liable for any delay, mishap, inconvenience, expense, irregularity, bodily injury or death to person, or damage to property occasioned through the negligence, wrongful or intentional acts, or default of any company or individual engaged in providing these arranged services. Each passenger conveyance, tour company, hotel accommodation, restaurant, etc. is subject to the laws of the state or country where the service is provided.

Art of Life Creativity Retreats LLC shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, for bodily injury or property damage for any reason whatsoever, including, but not limited to the following causes: acts of God, pandemics, epidemics, detention, annoyance, weather, quarantines, strikes, civil disturbance, theft, negligence including negligence of (YOUR NAME), default, changes in government regulations, terrorism, war or failure of conveyance to arrive or depart as scheduled.

Art of Life Creativity Retreats LLC reserves the right to substitute hotels and group leaders and to alter the itinerary when deemed necessary or advisable.  The right is also reserved to cancel any trip prior to departure.  Art of Life Creativity Retreats LLC is released from any and all liability for cancellation of any trip, or portion thereof, except for payment of a land cost as set forth in the section on "Cancellation and Refunds."

Art of Life Creativity Retreats LLC reserves the right to decline to accept or retain any person whose actions, physical heath, mental condition or general deportment impede trip operation or rights, welfare or enjoyment of other trip members.  A refund based on the cost of unused land services is the limit of Art of Life Creativity Retreats LLC responsibility.

Art of Life Creativity Retreats LLC is not responsible for any refunds should a presenter advertised as attending or leading a tour or conference cancel for any reason. However should Art of Life Creativity Retreats LLC choose to cancel his/her participation in this journey for any reason, every effort will be made to find a suitable replacement or refund your deposit and payments made which have not been previously sent to foreign and air travel suppliers as outlined above.

Art of Life Creativity Retreats LLC is not responsible for any physical, mental, emotional, or any other reaction, trauma, or ailment during the trip or occurring afterwards, that participants may experience at the sites or from any leaders, workshops, or sessions of any kind, including private sessions with facilitators or presenters. Attendance on the trip indicates acceptance of this and all other provisions of this responsibility clause.

Art of Life Creativity LLC has recommended the purchase of appropriate travel accident insurance, baggage insurance, tour operation carrier default protection insurance, and trip cancellation insurance, and has made available explanatory information and policies, and the travel program member has the opportunity to purchase such insurance as protection against certain risks of travel to the planned destination. Travel program members are advised that travel insurance covers only what is included as stated in the travel insurance brochure.

The airlines or transportation companies concerned are not held responsible for any acts, omissions or events during the time passengers are not on board their planes or conveyances. The passenger contract in use by the carriers concerned, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the airlines or transportation companies and the purchase of this travel program and/or passengers.


Trip members have the responsibility to select a trip appropriate to their abilities and interests.  Trip members are held responsible for being in sufficient good health to undertake the trip. Trip members are responsible for preparing for this trip by studying the itinerary and pre-departure information sent by Art of Life Creativity LLC and for discussing this itinerary with their personal physician. Trip members agree to accept and abide by all the terms and conditions outlined in the “Terms and Conditions” document for this journey. Trip members are responsible to obtain any required travel documents and visas if necessary and to make sure all documents are current and up to date. Trip members are responsible for complying with any health requirements and vaccinations of any countries visited on this journey. Trip members are also responsible for bringing the appropriate clothing, medicines, supplies and equipment as advised in the pre-departure information. Trip members are expected to act in a manner that is respectful to the retreat group experience, respectful to the vendors assisting the retreat and respectful to the properties where we are staying and visiting. Trip members will be expected to abide by rules and regulations of areas we are staying and visiting and will be held responsible for damages to property or persons that they cause. Extremely risky and/or disruptive behavior to the overall retreat experience (e.g. drinking alcohol to excess) and causing safety or excessive nuisance issues to self or others, will result in being asked to modify behavior to ensure a positive collective retreat experience or removal from the retreat without refund. Trip members are participants in group travel and are expected to hold each other in compassionate regard, and to interact with each other with respect.


By signing I agree to the terms in this document:



_______________________________________   Date: _________________________




Name of trip and country: Morocco Art of Life Creativity Retreat

Date: April 22-30, 2025

Trip leader: Lizzie Larock and Weatherly Stroh





I _____________________________________, acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied to participate on the trip designated on this application.  I am voluntarily participating on the tour or expedition with knowledge that travel to foreign countries and/or the remote areas visited by this trip involves numerous risks and dangers including, but not limited to, a risk of illness, injury or death, which may be caused by: forces of nature, civil unrest, terrorism, road conditions, injuries inflicted by animals, insects, reptiles or plants, trails, hotels, vehicles, boats or other means of conveyance which are not operated nor maintained to standards common in the United States; high altitude accident, accident or illness without access to means of rapid evacuation or the availability of medical supplies; the lack of adequacy of medical attention once provided, and negligence on the part of Art of Life Creativity Retreats LLC, their affiliated organizations and their employees, teachers, volunteers or other agencies. I acknowledge that the enjoyment and excitement of foreign travel/adventure travel is derived in part from the inherent risks incurred by travel and activity beyond the accepted safety of life at home or work, and that these inherent risks and the corresponding enjoyment and excitement contribute to the reason for my voluntary participation on this trip.



AS LAWFUL CONSIDERATION for being permitted by Art of Life Creativity Retreats LLC, to participate on such trips and activities, I hereby agree that I, my heirs, legal representatives or any member of my family will not make a claim against or sue Art of Life Creativity Retreats LLC, or any of their affiliated agents, employees, teachers or volunteers, for bodily injury, death, emotional trauma or property damage resulting from my participation in the tour or expedition. 

I therefore release and discharge Art of Life Creativity Retreats LLC, and their agents, employees, teachers and volunteers from and against any and all liability arising from my participation in the tour or expedition even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of Art of Life Creativity Retreats LLC, or their affiliate agents, employees, teachers or volunteers.

If any portion of this agreement is unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.  Under no circumstances shall Art of Life Creativity, LLC be liable to any tour participant for more than the land cost of the trip applied for on this document. I waive any charge-back rights and, in the event of dispute, requests for a refund will be made using the procedures described under “Cancellation and Refunds” as stated in the Terms and Conditions for this trip. All applications are subject to acceptance by Art of Life Creativity Retreats LLC. Upon acceptance of my application, this agreement shall be deemed to have been entered into at Steamboat Springs, Colorado and shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Colorado  In the unlikely event a legal dispute should arise involving any subject matter whatsoever, I agree that the exclusive venue for any legal action shall be Steamboat Springs, Colorado.



We recommend Trip Cancellation insurance or Trip Interruption insurance for this trip. Travel insurance is designed to reimburse you for non-refundable expenses in case of a trip cancellation as well as for other previsions such as: missed flight connections, medical expenses/emergency assistance coverage (if something happens to you personally), baggage & personal effects coverage (if they are lost or stolen), baggage delay (if your bags do not arrive with your flight and you have to buy clothing, and personal items) which could possibly be very costly. Please note that insurance policies vary tremendously and have various critical exclusions. We recommend you choose carefully based on your personal situation.



I have carefully read and fully understand the contents of this agreement as well as all the conditions as stated under the heading "Terms and Conditions" (see attached pages) including those conditions regarding responsibility borne by trip participants and conditions regarding cancellations and refunds.  I am aware, that this is a release of liability and a legally binding and enforceable contract between myself and (YOUR COMPANY or your name if you are not a corporation) and I sign it of my own free will.

EXECUTED THIS ______________________DAY OF________________20___




PRINT NAME AS SIGNED_________________________________________________________


I hereby grant to Art of Life Creativity LLC and its agents, officials, representatives, or assigned agencies, including officers, employees, or related personnel both individually and collectively (the “Released Party”) the absolute and irrevocable right and unrestricted permission in respect of photographic portraits, videos or pictures that the Released Party had taken of me (the “Photographic Images”), whether individually or together with one another and/or other individuals and the content of any verbal or written statements made by me and used in connection with such Photographic Images, in the name of the Released Party or otherwise.

I further grant to Art of Life Creativity LLC the absolute and irrevocable right to use, re-use, publish and re-publish the Photographic Images in whole or in part, individually or in conjunction with other photographic images, and in art, editorials, advertising and trade, or any other purpose whatsoever including, without limitation, the promotion of any websites or brands owned or operated by the Released Party without restriction as to alteration; by any medium or channel including but not limited to television, radio, newspaper or other periodical, Internet, or any other means whether electronic or otherwise; and to use my name, location, profession, and/or any other identifying or potentially identifying information in connection therewith if the Released Party so chooses.

I hereby release and discharge the Released Party from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the Photographic Images, including without limitation any and all claims for libel, invasion of privacy, or false light, and from any and all liability for damages of whatever kind, which may, at any time, result to me, my heirs, legal representatives, and assigns because of compliance with this Authorization and Release.

This Authorization and Release shall also inure to the benefit of the heirs, legal representatives, licensees, and assigns of the Photographer, as well as the persons for whom s/he took the Photographic Images.

I have read the foregoing and fully understand the contents thereof. This Authorization and Release shall be binding upon me, my heirs, legal representatives, and assigns




In photographs and/or video (check one):


Show my first name only



Show my first and last name



Don’t show name







Payment Plan Morocco 2025 - Double Occupancy Deluxe Room

Wonderful! We can't wait to be in Morocco with you! Your non-refundable deposit will reserve your spot at the retreat.

By making this deposit payment, you are agreeing in entirety to our service agreement. Please review service agreement before making payment. 

Double Occupancy Deluxe Early Bird rate (valid until Nov 15, 2024): $7995
Four monthly payments of: $1998.75

What People Are Saying:

Thank you for inspiring us with such an amazing experience. I'll never forget it.

Fantastic yoga, beautiful meals, unexpected surprises, art classes and the perfect location. I am so glad that I said, YES, to this adventure. I will have positive memories that will last a lifetime.